Микола Голодик-Головатий

Sculptor / Muralist / Iconographer

Curriculum Vitae
Photo Gallery


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Young People of the World!

Your parents, in the Age of the Atom and Space Voyages, opened the doors to the Universe.

Your task is to establish a lasting Peace based on Universal Love.

Monda Junularo!

Viaj gepatroj, en la Atoma kaj Spacvojaĝa epoko, malfermis la pordojn al la Universo.

Via tasko estas ekestigi daŭran Pacon, surbaze de Universa Amo!


For pricing of works or any consultation write to:

You may contact Nicholas in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, German or the International Language, Esperanto.

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This site was last updated 2024-07-25